Monday 24 October 2011

Where do creative people get their ideas from?

Creative people all produce different ideas from each other, even to the same creative problem. This is because the places where they get their inspiration from are usually similar, if not the same. People are influenced by factors like their working environment, culture, tradition, books, existing artists/artwork, music, films, theatre and history

I collect C.D.s because I take inspiration
from album artwork.
            Collections are always a good source for inspiration because they are individual to the person who collects them. They display unique characteristics between items that are the same. For example, a collection of music records are all of the same form, but the artwork and musical content vary.

            Sketchbooks are also a good source for inspiration. This may be one of your own previous sketchbooks or somebody else’s. Looking back at past projects can inspire options for current work, not only with the possible project pathways, but also research choices, media options, previous successful and failed experiments, as well as development options. Sketchbooks belonging to other creative people can be just as useful as your own sketchbooks because people work in different ways. Learning to take a different approach to a creative problem will result in a more unique outcome. Taking inspiration from the work of others will help you to be more open minded, resulting in a wider experimentation of materials and diverse outcomes.

Graffiti art in Bristol City Centre,
created after the death of Amy
            Both fictional and non-fictional books can be helpful. Fictional books help to fuel the imagination because you visualize the story in your mind. These visual images can then be used as starting points for your ideas. Non-fiction books are not only good for visual sources, but also research. Extensive research is vital and is an intrinsic aspect of the design process. It causes you to have a deeper understanding of your project theme, generating more ideas. Research is also important in case your designs need to be factually correct. For example, if you were commissioned to design an educational poster about global warming, you would need to make sure any facts that you put on it were right.

            No matter what kind of artist you are, or who your work is made for, the best way to make sure you are always inspired is though constant inquiry. Inspiration can come from anywhere, so you need to be open minded. 

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