Monday 7 November 2011


How a creative person delivers a final design to a client will depend on what platform it is required for, as all platforms have their individual requirements and limitations that have to be taken into consideration.

The designer/photographer had to take the size and scale of the billboard
 into consideration when creating this advertisement otherwise there would too
much white space or some of the people would be cut off.
            There are a number of platforms for artwork, including editorial, online, advertising and branding, textiles and fashion, installation and interventions. All of these have different requirements, limitations and design specifications due to the variety of clients and target audiences. It is important to remember that clients and target audiences are sometimes different. If an illustrator has been commissioned to create work for a children’s magazine, then magazine is the client, but the children who the magazine is aimed at is the target audience.

            Different platforms can have a variety of different challenges. For examples, billboards are a form of large scale advertising. One problem an illustrator often faces with creating work for billboards is ensuring any typography they create and use is legible, especially from a long distance. Another example of this is a graphic designer who has to create a logo. If the logo is for a billboard advertisement which has a slogan with it, the slogan could be made visible by increasing the slogan size. However, if this logo also had to be used for a phone app, the logo would be much smaller and therefore the slogan wouldn't be legible due to the small surface area for it to fill.

            It is important for the platform to be taken into consideration in order for a design to be delivered correctly. Delivery is key for the creative person, as this can be the deciding factor for whether or not you client uses your artwork. An inability to consider platforms can prevent someone from getting work in the future and furthering their career.

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