Monday 21 November 2011

The Experts

As creative people, our inspiration comes from a variety of different sources. It is this variety that not only affects what our work is about, but also our creative style. Possible sources of inspiration our environment, collections and history. One of the best sources for inspiration are existing creative experts. These may be current, modern artists or artists from a different century. We are mostly inspired by artists who we like because we take the elements of work that we like, and interpret them in our individual creative style.

Vault 49 Fiesta advertisement (2011). Available at:
Accessed on 11th January 2012
            As a visual communicator, I have, and still am developing skills in a number if creative disciplines. This is because I believe that combining disciplines can strengthen creative outcomes and make the work appeal to a wider audience. Even though the majority of my creative skills are in photography, and the how I usually create my artwork, I also like to create illustrations, as well as combine my photography with graphics. Vault 49 is a design company who I often look at for inspiration because they also like to work in this way. Vault 49 is based in New York, and employs a number of graphic designers, illustrators, photographers and animators, as well as 3D and fine artists. One strength of having such a diverse team to work on one project is that they will all start with ideas that are different ideas from each other, meaning that they have a wider choice for a creative outcome. Also, they all have very different skill, so combining them can only increase the success of the work they produce. Each member of the team will also learn new skills and creative ways of thinking from the people they are working with. Their portfolios consist of a combination of 3D sets, type, illustration, product design and advertising, working for large organisations/companies like 02, Fiesta, New York University and Barclays.

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