The novice-to-expert scale is used to rate the ability of a creative person in terms of how they go about solving a creative problem. The scale is divided into five sections, which are:
· Knowledge
· Standard of work
· Autonomy
· Coping with complexity
· Perception of context
These stages are then all ranked using five novice-to-expert scale levels, these being:
· Novice
· Beginner
· Competent
· Proficient
· Expert
The more criteria you are able to meet, the closer you get from changing from a novice to an expert.
The Novice-to-Expert scale |
I currently consider myself to be a beginner within my creative area of photography, as my skills still need major development in order for me to be considered an expert. In terms of my knowledge, I have minimal knowledge, but unlike a novice, I am able to connect some of this to my chosen practice. When it comes to my standard of work, I have learnt though completing my Foundation Diploma in Art, Design and Media, how to start being an independent learner, unlike a novice who would need supervision. Due to my Foundation Diploma, I would also rate myself as "competent" for the Autonomy section, as I have learnt how to use my own judgement to achieve a task. However, I still rely on the advice from lecturers and other creative people around me for advice, so I haven't yet taken full responsibility for my work, which is why I'm not proficient in the Autonomy section. When it comes to the "coping with complexity", I currently consider myself to a beginner because even though I have had to deal with some complex issues with my work, such as how to develop it and how I should go about creative it. I am able to overcome this complexity with some analysis and planning, but not enough to make me proficient at it. For the final stage, perceptions of context, I would say I am competent because I am able to see how my actions, such as my research and experimentation, will have an impact on my final outcome. However, I don't always see the complete picture like I would if I was an expert.
My position on the novice-to-expert scale should dramatically change over the next three years because I am studying for a degree in Visual communication. Over these next few years, I will be introduced to be new photography processes, increasing both my knowledge and understanding. The way I approach a creative problem will change, and I will be much better at working independently and taking responsibility for what I produce.
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